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glass wine bottle

Knowing that you are interested in glass wine bottle, we have listed articles on similar topics on the website for your convenience. As a professional manufacturer, we hope that this news can help you. If you are interested in learning more about the product, please feel free to contact us.
  • [Bottle Blog] Why should wine be decanted before drinking?
    Decanting wine is usually done to separate the wine from the brittle, bitter sediment that has formed at the bottom of the bottle due to aging, commonly known as "rebottle". At the same time, decanting can also allow the wine to come into contact with the air. After the wine "breathes", the tannins Read More
  • [Bottle Blog] Sparkling Wine = Champagne?
    When it comes to sparkling wine, the first thing that people think of may be Champagne. Many people even think that sparkling wine is called Champagne, but it is not. So, what exactly is the difference between sparkling wine and champagne?Sparkling wine refers to wine in which the carbon dioxide pre Read More
  • [Bottle Blog] What does the color of a wine bottle relate to?
    Among many wine bottles, green is the most common color, which is actually related to the limitations of early glass manufacturing technology.In the 17th century, when wine bottles had just appeared, the raw materials used for glass production contained iron-containing compounds to a greater or less Read More
  • [Bottle Blog] Why is the capacity of a standard wine bottle 750ML?
    The most common standard bottle is 750ML capacity. So what determines the size of a wine bottle?It turns out that wine has a long origin, and it was not until the 17th century that using glass bottles as containers for wine became generally popular. When glass bottles were still blown manually, the Read More




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