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How Is Olive Oil Stored?

Views: 0     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2024-08-27      Origin: Site

1. The best storage container is a dark, opaque glass bottle

As olive oil is very sensitive to light, if it is exposed to strong or continuous light for a long time during storage, olive oil will be easily oxidized. And olive oil has a particularly strong permeability. Therefore, when we buy olive oil, we must pay attention to the packaging. It is best to choose glass bottles or food-grade iron barrels or stainless steel containers for storage.

2. Store in a cool place

Temperature is also important to prevent olive oil from spoiling. But many people put olive oil next to the stove within reach for the convenience of cooking. However, since the temperature next to the stove is higher than other places, it will not only destroy the nutritional value of olive oil, but also speed up the deterioration of olive oil. So this must be remembered, olive oil should be stored in a cool and dry place. The recommended temperature is generally below 15°.

3. Tightly seal

If olive oil is exposed to air during storage, oxidation will occur, leading to corruption and deterioration. Therefore, after using olive oil, you must not be lazy and save trouble. You must remember to tighten the bottle cap to effectively prevent the oxidation reaction between olive oil and air and maintain its unique flavor.

4. Refrigerator storage

In addition to the above methods, edible olive oil can also be stored in the freezer of the refrigerator, but the premise is that the olive oil is stored for a long time. You may not believe it, but frozen olive oil will indeed retain its original healthy ingredients and mellow taste.

However, when using it, it is best to take the olive oil out of the refrigerator in advance, because low-temperature olive oil will crystallize and is not easy to pour out.





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